Our customers love inclusio for its transformative impact on company culture.

Builds genuine employee trust to disclose sensitive information. inclusio allows companies to evidence its impact on organisational goals.

Trusted by progressive companies globally 
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Customer Case Studies

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Teagasc - Case Study

Teagasc now understands its employee profile, unearths rich sentiment information, and demonstrate its DEI impact for mandatory reporting.  

Read Case Study »



FBD Insurance - Case Study

FBD Insurance goes from zero DEI data to gathering rich insights in 4 weeks with inclusio. Staff awareness on DEI increases greatly and now able to measure performance.

Read Case Study »

In our customers’ words.

“The platform is unique and ground breaking, there is nothing else out there like it. It is people-centric and gives our employees a voice. It educates employees on D&I, helps us achieve our strategic objectives, and gives us a benchmark of how we are performing on a local, global, and sector level”
Anthony Kelly
Head of Communications, culture and capability
“inclusio has provided an invaluable solution. The way the information was delivered back to us was a game-changer and beyond our expectations. The insights enabled us to simply ad effectively report on EDI to our internal and external stakeholders. It is a tool the company can't go without.” 
Anne Rush
Global Director, People and Org Development
“We wanted to identify staff’s lived experience in the organisation, it really became a much deeper experience. The platform has assisted Teagsc to know who our staff really are, what their experience in the organisation has been, and target areas for improvement”   
Della Hunter
Data Protection Officer
"The platform has given us huge learnings and we know now where we need to improve.  We can now pinpoint the needs and wants of our different demographics, and we've also been able to tailor our events, content, and communications. Before inclusio, we didn't have that level of awareness and understanding. It has really supported our cultural change over the last 2 years"
Carolyn O'Hara
Chief Human Resources Officer
FBD Insurance

New Clients Taking Action

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The MDU sign up for inclusio

Hear from the Head of DEI Joan Blogs on their upcoming plans




Failte Ireland sign up for inclusio

Hear from the Head of DEI Joan Blogs on their upcoming plans


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Equisoft sign up for inclusio

Hear from the Head of DEI Joan Blogs on their upcoming plans


Award-winning platform 
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Diversity, Equality and inclusion Initiative
KTI Impact awards
Div tech awards
Ex awards

Employees Feedback of inclusio


"I thought it was great and really interesting. Definitely included some things I didn't know before and made me think."

Employee, Financial Services Sector 




"The video's were very insightful and some of them were very powerful. I also found the Vignettes interesting with the reflections at the end. Again, some interesting facts in the 'Thought of the Day' feature. Overall I enjoyed this campaign and hope to introduce some of the ideas / tips to my own daily life."

Employee, Construction Sector




"Another excellent learning segment from Inclusio: not too demanding of time or effort and some very moving content. Well done."

Employee, Public Services Sector




"I love the fact that I know when I click that button to log into Inclusio that it is not going to take  more than 5 minutes - that I can commit to each day."

Employee, Financial Services Sector 




"I enjoyed the videos each morning of the campaign, hopefully they will help make the difference to our work culture. Thanks for organizing."

Employee, Construction Sector




"I found the contents very interesting and informative. The video where members of the older generations are invited to get on the bus for the PRIDE parade was very moving. The contents also educated me on how other countries I didn't think have been more inclusive and advanced compared to others"

Employee, Financial Services Sector




"Interesting and gets you thinking."

Employee, Construction Sector




"An extremely enjoyable experience and was always a great way to start the day."

Employee, Public Services Sector 




"I found it  a very uplifting experience"

Employee, Financial Services Sector




"Great app with engaging visual content, that has meaning and impact for both your career and personal life! Split up into manageable chunks that made it it feel easy to go through. Would highly recommend."

Employee, Public Services Sector 




"Very insightful and I learned new information. My approach to all colleagues will be more mindful"

Employee, Financial Services Sector 




"Really informative and provoked some thought.  Learned quite a bit."

Employee, Financial Services Sector